The earliest Levi Lousadas of Livorno

The above chart captures the available data; the marriages are from ref 319 (though we had a foretaste of some of them with ref 286) and other data is from ref 185 (from which we extracted notes as shown here). Many of the family dispersed from Livorno for we can find a David Levi Lousada who died on 30 Aug 1744 in Amsterdam. Though a Guiseppe Lousada was born in Livorno in 1858 and died in Genoa in 1920 we are not sure he was a Levi Lousada (see ref 292). Like the Baruch Lousadas there were Levi Lousadas in Tunis - eg shows in 1672 Isaac Levi Louzada from Livorno who according to ref 186 was still there in 1686; ref 185 (p470) shows Isaac Levi Lousada in Livorno in 1667. However the Levi Lousadas continued to maintain a presence in Livorno - they may be found almost until 1800 in the Decime property tax records in the Livorno City Archive.

The relationship between the Baruch Lousadas and the Levi Lousadas is not exactly known though it was close. Isaac Baruch Lousada #42 stayed at the house of his uncle Abraham Levi Lousada in 1641 and 1642 (ref 149) who was perhaps the (grandfather of the) person who appears with Jacob Levi Lousada in 1686 as bullion workers in Livorno who assisted in the supply of some Hebrew books to Manuel and Jacob Athias (ref 175 #3). It seems possible that there was marriage of cousins in Livorno. Isaac was probably new to Livorno when he stayed with his uncle Abraham for the only earlier date we have of him in Livorno is the birth of David #44 in 1640.

In connection with Algiers, Mourad Baouche observed on 2 Jan 2024 that in the business there named Alvarenga & Lousada, the Lousadas were led by Aaron Levi Lousads, and he went on to suggest that Aaron was the brother of the Isaac Levi Lousada shown in the chart above.